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Dua Tahun Menikah Istri Heran Suami Tak Pernah Menyentuhnya, Ia Kaget Saat Temukan Ini di Lemari Ternyata Suaminya...

Is Forex Trading Easy? Lies Told by the Forex "Gurus"

It seems like every time that you turn on the tv now a days, there's an infomercial telling you about how money is being made everyday in the Forex market. They make it seem so simple. They make it seem so easy. Everybody is making money trading in the Forex market. Everybody that buys their Forex trading course is a winner. I wish Forex trading was that easy. Unfortunately, it's not the case. In this article, I going to expose just a couple of the lies that the Forex gurus use to steal your money.

#1: No one loses money trading Forex

Forex trading is so easy and simple that no one ever loses money at all. This is perhaps the worst of all of the deceptions that these hucksters use to prey upon the unwary Forex newbie. They throw up picture after picture, testimonial after testimonial, and story upon story about how people virtually walk in off the streets the night before and a week later they're buying duplexes left and right just like you or I would pick up an extra bag of bread at the local grocery. Everyone wins with their system, they always claim. Hogwash. It's a fact that most of them want to keep you ignorant of, but the fact that it's real can't be logically argued.

If everyone made money trading Forex, would anyone ever do anything else?

And the fact is this:

95% of people investing in the Forex market lose money. That means that only 5 out of 100 actually can earn a living trading Forex. Without anymore technical skill or knowledge than that learned over a weekend, which batch of investors do you think that you'll end up in - the 95% that lose money or the 5% that don't?

Lie #2: Forex trading is so easy that even a caveman like you or a Robot could do it.

A big reality that most of the Forex gurus use to their advantage is that most people are lazy and stupid. It's a myth that a simple piece of computer software can make you money day in and day out. Forex trading is easy. Just stare at your computer screen for a while and that "magic box" is going to tell you when to buy and when to sale. It's simple. It's easy. Don't think. Just do. And it's what's lining these huckster's pockets with millions of dollars every year. Did you really think that a piece of software that you bought for $97 was really that special? I mean if it actually worked - why would they ever sale it to anyone else? I mean wouldn't you want it for yourself? The people that say that they're making money by using these automatic trading robots are liars.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many Forex robots coming on the market every single week?

Here's a hint: they don't work.

The real reason is because the robot peddler is putting up a new version of the same bot because the last one is getting so many scam alerts and refund requests that he just gives it a different name and launches it all over again knowing that as PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute". Put up a new domain. Call your robot by a new name. Start the cycle all over again.

These are just a few of the lies that the Forex gurus try to pull over on you, but now hopefully you're a little wiser to their games. I realize what I've said may not be something that you wanted to hear, but it is something that you should hear. Fortunately however not all is lost, and in fact Forex trading can even become easy if you just get the right information and training from the right person. The type of person that not only has actual experience in trading but that also is not afraid to tell you about not only the rewards but also about the pitfalls. It takes time and experience to play the Forex game successfully, but it's definitely a game worth playing.