Satu Tahun Melekatkan 42,000 Batang Mancis Untuk Membuat Sfera Besar, Kemudian Membakarnya. Apa Yang Terjadi Selepas Itu Amat Tidak Sangka ! | NEWS

Satu Tahun Melekatkan 42,000 Batang Mancis Untuk Membuat Sfera Besar, Kemudian Membakarnya. Apa Yang Terjadi Selepas Itu Amat Tidak Sangka !

Learn Forex Trading - Professional Forex Training - What's the Buzz About?

So what is the buzz about trading Forex?

Well, I love what I am doing... I love it so much that I decided to demonstrate the Forex buzz with you. And if you give me ten minutes of your time, you too will understand why...

Forex is a potential solution for every single person looking to make more money; earn persistent income and take back control of their lives.

That is a huge statement, I know! But in these times of job loss, economic uncertainty and less money to make ends meet, there has to be a better solution than getting yet another job, or working twice as hard or downsizing your lifestyle.

Forex is a perfect solution! (I will explain why in a minute)

First, indulge me and take a look at your personal situation right now...

Take a minute and think about your lifestyle; your income; and how good (or challenging) life has been. Now, think about an additional monthly income that would financially take you to the next level... from getting ahead financially to being able to upgrade on whatever lifestyle choice you desire next. What is the income number you just thought of? Is it a modest $500 per month? Is it $5000 per month? Is it $20,000 per month? Now write out this statement:

(Don't be shy... be bold!) I would like to earn $_______________ more each month.

Now take a minute and think about your current job(s); current lifestyle; current free time... what options are available for you to increase your income by this amount? Do you see yourself achieving the additional income amount your just wrote down if you continue doing what you have been doing?

Will you need to (or can you) work harder? Can you ask for raise or get another job? Do you have the time (and tuition) to learn an entirely new profession?

If you are at all like me, the answers to the last three questions were no, no, and no!

So how do you get to this next level of income? For me, Professional Forex Trading has been the answer... and I think it can work for you too! I want to demonstrate how and why it has worked because I believe Professional Forex Trading is a real option for anyone interested in trading to earn additional, persistent income.

Hold on just a minute though. Before continuing, I want to make a distinction between trading and Professional Trading; and specifically how this applies in the Forex Market. There really is a huge difference! There are many people who trade, either actively or passively. But the vast majority trade without any trading education or a structured approach to the market. And their results are average at best.

Trading in general (which is non-professional trading) typically consists of: 
• Acquiring as many trading tools, indicators, news and information as possible to make buying decisions (usually not selling decisions) 
• Attempting to trade, but experiencing average or worse-than-average results 
• Inconsistent execution leading to larger, uncontrolled losses and minimal gains 
• Inconsistent risk management leading to the depletion of trading capital over time 
• Years of frustration and mixed results that rarely ever achieve professional status

Perhaps that sounds familiar to you. It did for me.

Professional Trading (the kind I am now doing) consists of these keys: 
1. Mastering statistically proven trading systems 
2. Incorporating rigid risk management rules 
3. A Business Plan optimized for the temperament and lifestyle of the trader 
4. Proper Training by other Professional Trader(s)

And actually, these keys to Professional Trading, (professional meaning trading as part of your profession), are a formula that applies to every profession in the world! Consider a doctor (or lawyer, or accountant, etc...): if I gave you all of the tools, medical books and state of the art equipment doctors use today, could you walk in and perform surgery? Even if you were allowed to try, you would NOT be very good at it. Why not? What do aspiring doctors obtain before they have the confidence to perform surgery on their own? Well, you probably already know the answer. The aspiring doctor practices alongside other Professional Doctors until he builds the knowledge and skill set to take the next step and perform surgery on their own. They NEVER EVER are allowed to just 'try it themselves'. And thankfully, the medical community is structured to prevent anyone from just 'trying it on their own'.

It's a different story in the trading world, unfortunately. You can pretty much do what you want; all you need is some capital and any firm will open your account and let you begin to self-destruct!

Today, however, there are real solutions available!

If you want to create the persistent results of a Professional Trader, you MUST acquire the tools and practice alongside other Professional Traders already creating persistent results. PERIOD!

Then, only after you have the tools; have learned alongside other Professional Traders; and have practiced enough to build your own business plan, you can expect to go forward and create a persistent income stream for yourself. Without the Professional Trader by your side, you are just using your own capital to reinvent a very expensive wheel.

Great! So what does it take to learn Professional Forex Trading? (Glad you asked!)

The answer is easier than you may think... at least it is today! And that's where the buzz of Forex is building.

There are many firms touting Forex, but a relatively few firms popping up that are addressing the aspects of Learning Professional Forex Trading. One company in particular has developed an individualized structure far beyond what I have seen anywhere else. And, their approach is dedicated to applying the four keys to Professional Forex Trading mentioned above and applying them in the Forex market. Here they are again:

Professional Forex Trading consists of: 
1. Mastering statistically proven Forex trading systems 
2. Incorporating rigid risk management rules to preserve your capital 
3. Creating a Business Plan optimized for your temperament and lifestyle 
4. Proper Training from another Professional Forex Trader

Sounds nice, and if you are anything like me, the next question is, how can I possibly learn how to do this? My life is hectic as it is! (At least that is what I said.)

But you know what... there is a very real solution that has been structured to adapt to your schedule and provide you with live, professional guidance literally on-demand! (I will share where to find this environment in a moment.)

First, I want to demonstrate why Forex is the place to learn (vs. all of the other markets) and why this market is the best I have seen to learn to Professionally Trade Forex:

Forex is the easiest and most accurate market to trade. 
The Forex market is the most liquid market in the world (and it continues to grow), meaning there are more people trading Forex than any other market! This makes it the easiest market for every single trader to get in and out of trades both easily and accurately.

Forex enables you to trade only when it's convenient for you! 
Forex is available virtually on-demand. Forex is open for trading 24 hours a day for 5 days each week; making it available for every single trader to participate on-demand, on their schedule (and not during specific market times). This is the perfect opportunity to trade only when it's convenient for you!

Forex enables you to control 50 times your investment capital. 
Forex offers traders considerable leverage for their investment; enabling traders to control 10-50 times their own trading capital. For example, a $1000 investment would control $50,000 worth of currency; compared to a $1000 investment in stock being able to control just $1000 worth of stock.

Professional Forex Trading is now available to individual traders in the convenience of their own office (or home) and at the times that most suits their schedule.

So, you may be asking 'where do I go?'...well, there lots of Forex trading firms and Forex trading systems available. Just do a search for Forex and you will have plenty to sift through. However, there is a short list of Forex environments that enable you to truly learn how to trade professionally from Professional Traders. So wherever you look, be sure to check for the four keys that must be included. Ask these questions: 
- Do you provide statistically proven trading systems? 
- What are your money management and risk parameters? 
- What is the business trading plan that you will teach me to create? 
- Who are the professional traders that will mentor me to success? 
- Is there a live trading environment where the mentors are available 24 hours each day while the market is open?

Once you are trading professionally, you can take you business anywhere, but until you are a professional, if the firm or individual cannot provide good answers to all of your questions, consider going somewhere else to learn Professional Forex Trading.

There is one firm in particular that answers all four points and answers them so well, I ultimately signed up with their program. They have a live Forex trading environment open 24 hours a day and you are guided by their professional traders ever step of the way.

Remember, wherever you ultimately jump on the buzz of the Forex market, select a program most suited to your lifestyle and goals. Forex is the quickly becoming the part-time business of choice that is supplanting peoples 'day job' salaries.